Solar hydrogen: impact on the Antofagasta region (Chile)

5 Workshops

The institute
Published on 03/25/2021

The Antofagasta region has 1/3 of the photovoltaic solar energy installed in Chile and directs the production of electricity at the national level.
It has a port and road infrastructure that connects the countries of the ZICOSUR region to the Pacific Ocean and exports of copper concentrate at an international level. In addition, the Antofagasta region has an electricity and gas infrastructure which together present a unique platform for the development of solar hydrogen and synthetic fuels.

To this end, five weekly technical workshops are offered addressed to the civil community and industry in order to answer questions on green hydrogen, such as: "what is it?" How it works? Advantages and disadvantages and industrial applications among other technical problems ”.

Languages: English and Spanish (simultaneous translation). 

Approaches: institutional, political, economic, technical and educational.

To register for the workshops

Les ateliers sont réalisés en anglais et espagnol, traduits simultanément.

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1st APRIL 2021 (Workshop 1) : World and national state of the art of sustainable energy 2050
9th APRIL 2021 (Workshop 2): Solar Photovoltaic Energy: current technologies and the future of photovoltaics 
16th APRIL 2021 (Workshop 3): Hydrogen and Synthetic Fuels: Basic Concepts and the H2 Vector Cycle
23rd APRIL 2021 (Workshop 4): Photovoltaic value chain, hydrogen and its coupling
30th APRIL 2021 (Workshop 5): Legal and environmental challenges for the use of green H2 and Synthetic Fuels in Chile 

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