Stagiaires en formation à l'INES

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INES Formation & Evaluation is the reference center for professional training in the solar sector: 

  • Photovoltaic,
  • Thermal,
  • Building, energy and environment

INES Formation & Evaluation is the leading center for professional training in the solar sector: photovoltaic, thermal and the buildings' energetic performance. Our center also offers certification and diploma courses. We provide assistance to the stakeholders of the sector.

A technical and educational platform of excellence in France

In order to meet the requirements of the solar industry and to be in line with the latest advances in research and development in terms of training, INES Formation & Evaluation has acquired a new technical and educational platform of 350m2 and 1400m2 of demonstration area. New innovative features, and comfort in the practice of the gesture in particular, contribute to the development of the attractiveness of the training centre.

All the topics are covered: solar thermal, photovoltaic and hybrid, tertiary, residential, agricultural and ground-based power plants, floating, electro-mobility, with a large number of combinations of architectures (grid connected, isolated site, micro-grid, autonomous networks, interconnected networks, self-consumption, etc.).

With this new platform, INES PFE confirms its position as a national reference centre for training in the solar industry.

The completeness of the simulations is unique in France.

INES PFE avec cette nouvelle plateforme, confirme sa position de centre national de référence des formations aux métiers du solaire. L’exhaustivité des mises en situation est unique en France.

To facilitate the follow-up of your training

Throughout your training path - face-to-face, virtual classroom, combined training and 100% remote training - private access to our digital platform will allow you to learn at your own speed, interact and share with our experts.

INES digital platform is an exchange space dedicated to trainees in the solar industry. $is tool facilitates interaction for all training courses: face-to-face, 100% online, hybrid (blended learning), or virtual classes. It contains all the elements necessary for the training process: evaluation and collaboration documents, videos, and multimedia supports. Each year, 1000 trainees (designers, operational staff, project managers, teachers) benefit from these digital supports, created and developed by our experts.

Pour tout besoin en terme d'accompagnement personnalisé lié à un handicap, le référent handicap de notre centre de formation est à votre disposition pour vous accompagner au mieux en amont, pendant et après votre formation.
Contact : Bérengère PIERRE
Tel : 04 79 25 36 40


source: satisfaction survey

Trainees satisfied or very satisfied with the courses attended

94 %

Trainees recommend INES Training & Evaluation

96 %

Training in figures

INES Formation & Evaluation has been providing training in France and internationally since 2006.

Courses in the catalogue

> 45

Trainees trained each year

> 1 700

Technical and educational platform


Area of the Technical and educational platform

350 m2

Demonstration area

1 900 m2

L'ingénierie pédagogique des formations solaires photovoltaïques a été réalisée par INES Plateforme Formation & Evaluation, dans le cadre de l'ITE INES.2S.
Lancé en 2019, INES.2S est un institut de la transition énergétique (ITE). Porté par le CEA à l'INES, il a pour mission de développer en France une filière industrielle d'intégration de l'énergie solaire photovoltaïque, en appui de la loi de Programmation Pluriannuelle de l'Énergie.
L'ITE INES.2S est cofinancé par le gouvernement français dans le cadre du Programme d'Investissements d'Avenir (ANR-10-IEED-0014-01).

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