Club INES.2S, les partenaires de l’ITE réunis pour une journée d’échanges

Research and innovation
Published on 09/25/2023

On September 8, INES.2S welcomed its industrial partners to discuss the challenges and technological hurdles to be overcome to support the development of the French photovoltaic solar industry.

The day focused on two main areas: innovation in the design and assembly of photovoltaic modules for specific applications; and the integration of solar energy into the French electricity mix. It was also designed to further strengthen the ecosystem and bring players together around key topics of common interest.

Innovative photovoltaic modules, and their adaptation to specific uses and applications, are of interest to major economic sectors such as construction, infrastructure, mobility and transport.  

Industrialists and researchers have identified key issues in fields as varied as module durability and performance, the importance of appropriate standardization and certification, the benefits of adding color to photovoltaics, and the impact of shading depending on the module's electrical architecture and use, for example after integration in a vehicle.

HELIUP, a start-up spin-off from the CEA, presented its business project and the development of lightweight photovoltaic modules for commercial and industrial buildings.

The second part of the day focused on technologies for integrating solar energy into

INES.2S is an energy transition institute supported by the CEA. Its mission is to support the development of the French photovoltaic solar industry, by developing multi-partner public-private R&D at world-class level, and by promoting the transfer of developed technologies to industrial players.

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