PV Cells and Modules: Scientific upskilling, technological advances and cutting-edge industrial manufacturing
- 3 days
- Training type
- Présentiel
- Training audiences
- Concepteurs
- Opérationnels
- Porteurs de projets
- Enseignant·es
- €1,830.00

Strengths of the training
Unique training offer based on the latest research and industrial results
PV demonstrators and guided tour of the INES-CEA research centre and the technical and pedagogical platform of INES Training & Evaluation
Tailored module-based program according to the desired technical level (and available time for training)
- Fast technical upskilling throughout the whole PV manufacturing sector for new comers and permanent staff
- Master the operating principle of photovoltaics, its limits and technological solutions to improve performance
- Understand the theory along with the technological and industrial optimization methodologies of the different PV cell and module manufacturing steps
- Evaluate the latest technical and scientific advances and trends in PV research and industry
- Identify and understand the degradation phenomena of PV modules, their impact and the principle of accelerated aging in the laboratory
- Technicians and engineers of PV manufacturing and equipment sectors
- Engineering offices, project designers
- Research laboratories, academics
- Teachers, specialized associations in renewable energies
Have a good basic knowledge of electricity
Level adjustment based on experience/knowledge in photovoltaics, microelectronics and material physics
Méthodes pédagogiques
- Exposés théoriques et retours d’expérience
- Démonstrateurs et visite des laboratoires de recherche d’INES-CEA
- Travaux pratiques sur le plateau technique d'INES Plateforme Formation & Evaluation
Modalités et délais d’accès
L'inscription doit être finalisée 15 jours avant le début de la formation. Contacter notre centre de formation pour plus de précisions.
Modalités d’évaluation
- Internship certificate
- Validation test
The program can be tailored and the level ajusted by combining the different modules of PV Tech training
See the programme options in the document available for download
Exploration of the scientific and technological fundamentals of each fabrication step of PV cells and modules, from polysilicon raw material to module accelerated ageing and field results.
Theory and application of the latest research and industrial results, with particular emphasis on innovations and developments in the short and medium terms.
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- INES Training & Assessment
- Customer company
Next sessions
- From 03/04/2025 to 03/06/2025Le Bourget-du-LacSe pré-inscrire à cette session ⇢
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- Download the programPDF (1 MB)
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