Photovoltaic systems, storage and grids for emerging countries and island areas

  • 5 days
  • Training type
    • Présentiel
  • Training audiences
    • Concepteurs
    • Porteurs de projets
  • €2,450.00
Solaire photovoltaïqueSolaire photovoltaïque
Taux de satisfaction : 92 %

Strengths of the training

  • Project mode of training enabling the study of personal micro-grid systems 
  • Contribution to concrete solutions in order to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels
  • Presentation of the latest technologies available on the market, adapted to non-interconnected grids


  • Making the difference between the notions of grids and photovoltaic installations (reminder)
  • Being able to size the different components according to the needs
  • Understanding the sizing, management and control of micro-grids
  • Adressing the notions of micro-grid stability


  • Decision makers, local grid managers
  • Production unit operators
  • Engineering consultants, designers and renewable energies projects officers


  • Having good basics in electricity and good knowledge of photovoltaic installations
  • It would be an advantage to have good knowledge of the electricity production and distribution network of your area

Méthodes pédagogiques

  • Exposés théoriques, retours d’expériences, études de cas
  • Démonstrations sur plateforme technique, visite d’installations

Modalités et délais d’accès

L'inscription doit être finalisée 15 jours avant le début de la formation. Contacter notre centre de formation pour plus de précisions.

Modalités d’évaluation

  • Training certificate
  • MCQs tests


  • Grid types (production et distribution)
  • Photovoltaic energy (daily and annual production, inverters, general information on the different electricity storage solutions)
  • Micro-grids (PV/storage/generators)
  • Solutions for energy management, storage control, hybrid inverters, sensors and instrumentation
  • Specific energy storage solutions
  • Economic and environmental approaches
  • Needs analysis and sizing of a micro-grid system
  • Needs and sizing of your own microgrid project (in project mode )
  • Personal case studies feedback
  • Training certificate and MCQs tests


à partir de

€2,160 tax-free


Bâtiment Hélios
60 avenue Lac Léman
73370 Le Bourget-du-Lac

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