Capacity building

Supporting territories and companies to strengthen their ability in the field of solar energy

INES Formation & Evaluation is dedicated to supporting territories and companies to strengthen their capacities in the field of solar energy.

A leading center in France, it operates in France and abroad.

INES Plateforme Formation & Evaluation met à disposition ses Rapports d'activités

L'INES accueille la Solar Academy Graduate School

La Solar Academy Graduate School va œuvrer à l’intégration du solaire dans le bâti, en associant formation et recherche au plus haut niveau. 

This University Research School will open in 2021 and will be an international scientific reference on the integration of solar energy.

The Solar Academy thus relies on a "Graduate Program" training program and a "Research Center" bringing together USMB laboratories and involving researchers from CNRS and CEA at INES, which make up its consortium.

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